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Peapod (antenatal)

Suffering from SPD (pelvic pain)?

Trying to juggle, work, house and children while preparing for your newborn?

Unable to book onto antenatal classes?

Would you like antenatal classes in the comfort of your own home, designed for you and your Partner, when you want them?


I can provide practical help and support and provide factual information before your baby arrives.  


Antenatal classes

  • Hopes and fears

  • Road to birth

  • Birth Physiology

  • What happens when?

  • What role does your Partner play?

  • Where will you birth?

  • Pain management

  • Interventions

  • Coping strategies

  • Your personal birth preference document

  • What happens once baby has arrived

Sweetpea (birth)

Every birth and Mum is unique. I provide flexible support to be with you every step of the way, providing calm evidence based information to support your pregnancy and physical caring support during birth.


  • Support throughout the antenatal and postnatal period

  • 2 x 2 hour private antenatal sessions, these cover all aspects of labor, birth. Plenty of opportunities to ask questions and explore birth choices further.

  • A personalised birth preference document detailing all your wishes.

  • Guidance navigating the maternity system.

  • Signposting to local birth support services (reflexology, acupuncturist etc)

  • On call for the birth 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from 10 days before your estimated date until week 42. 

  • Continuity of care throughout your pregnancy, labor and birth, supporting you and your partner.   

  • Use of aromatherapy oils & homeopathy remedies if you wish to use them.

  • Guidance and support with baby’s first feed.

  • 1 x 2 hour postnatal visit usually within 10 days of the birth.

  • Continuous phone & email support from time of booking until 6 weeks post birth.

Family with children enjoying picnic out
Newborn baby Sleeping  on a green blanke

Babypea (postnatal)

The aim of my postnatal care is to provide flexible, emotional, practical and informative support to your new family in a non-judgemental way.


  • Emotional care and support for Mum

  • Guidance and support with feeding baby

  • Assistance with newborn care, such as bathing, changing etc.

  • Care for siblings in the home

  • Light household tasks

  • Preparation and cook meals

  • Menu planning/grocery online shopping

  • Errands

  • Community referrals

  • Look after baby while you rest/nap

  • Establish routines (if required)

  • Companionship and a good listener for Mum

  • Provide time for self-care for Mum


I will provide (within reason!) whatever is needed to help your family relax and have a positive experience of life with your new baby.

Sleeppea (overnight support)

Transitioning to parenthood can be difficult. There are so many things to consider, from changing nappies, deciding on the vast amount of baby aids that are now available for you and your family, the feeding and sleep schedules, dealing with visitors…...and the list goes on!

I understand the importance of a full nights sleep and so I can provide parents with overnight support. It really can make the world of difference in Mum’s postnatal recovery and the partners bonding, to know that your baby is being tended to while you get some well earned sleep! Each overnight plan is tailored to suit the needs of the family, and can include a hot tea/coffee and breakfast in the morning!


The sleep package includes :

  • Personal consultation to discuss sleep routines, bedtime, bath time etc.

  • Overnight home stay for 10 hours each visit

  • Bringing baby to Mum for breastfeeding (if required)

  • Change and soothe baby back to sleep

  • Few quiet household chores such as washing bottles, putting away laundry etc.  

  • On call text and phone support for additional support

  • Checklists and referrals if required

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